Streams Tech, Inc. provides environmental and water resources consulting services to private, federal, state and local government clients. Our specialties include data development and processing using geographic information system and hydrologic, hydraulic and water quality modeling. We strive to excel using the latest technologies and advanced modeling techniques that minimize cost and provide the best results.

Streams Tech, Inc.’s engineers have extensive knowledge and experience in floodplain, urban stormwater, water quality, and watershed management. Our experiences with US Federal Emergency Management Agency’s (FEMA’s) National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) and the EPA’s Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL) Program provide the domain knowledge necessary to develop successful solutions to water quantity and quality problems. Our staff has successfully completed many projects and conducted many training sessions on modeling to support various programs both nationally and internationally. Our highly motivated staff is committed to delivering high quality projects on which we build our credentials and businesses.

Flood Studies
National Flood Insurance Program, FEMA
Letter of Map Amendment (LOMA)
Conditional Letter of Map Revision (CLOMR)
Letter of Map Revision (LOMR)
Flood Frequency Analysis
Hydrologic Modeling
Hydraulic Modeling
Floodway Encroachment Studies
Mapping Flood Hazard Areas
Dam Breach Modeling
Reservoir Design and Improvements
MS4 Permit, EPA
Mapping Stormwater Infrastructure
Urban Stormwater Modeling
BMPs and LIDs
Watershed/Sewershed Modeling

Total Maximum Daily Load, EPA
Modeling the Fate and Transport of Pollutants
Hydrodynamic Modeling
Mixing Zone Modeling
Water Quality Impact of Atmospheric Deposition
Sediment Modeling
Road Drainage Design
Bridge and Culvert Hydraulic Design
Bridge Scour Modeling
Source Water Protection Studies
Reservoir Sizing and Capacity Analysis
Water Supply Distribution System Modeling
Wastewater Collection System Modeling
Infiltration and Inflow Studies
Geographic Information System Data Development and Mapping